Thursday, February 14, 2013

Is The Weight Loss Calculator Method The Best Approach?

Many people are confused on weight loss methods and so it is very easy for them to be led down the wrong road by unscrupulous peddlers of all sorts of mumbo jumbo systems that just cause more confusion! Some of the weird and wonderful methods I see make me scream.

Having said that, let's get down to the real truth. Yes it is possible get deeply involved in a calculator approach to weight loss and get a result, but who wants to get bogged in that sort strict regimen when there are easier ways to do it? You see, the more involved and the more complicated the system used to shed weight is, the more likely there will be failure.

If you are using a calculator approach, that means you have to weigh or measure everything, and then keep a food diary so you can record your progress. Now if you are weighing and measuring food, that also means you are following a particular regime and menu, and often there is food in the mix you don't like, and invariably you will be left hungry.

But now things get worse. If you are left hungry, that is a signal by your body that it is starved for nutrients. Almost invariably, such a program will involve pumping weights or pounding the pavements, so now you are asking your body to do more work on less fuel. The result: yes you will lose weight, but at a huge cost in three ways.

The first cost that 'more work on less fuel' causes is your body will seek the nutrients it needs from wherever it can get it; so it robs your muscles and your vital organs, especially your heart, liver and lungs. This is serious and death from heart attack is not uncommon in this situation.

The second cost that 'more work on less fuel' causes is that this sort of regime means you tend to plateau after a couple of weeks, so it becomes much harder to stick to the program.

The third cost that 'more work on less fuel' causes is the mental strain on your psych and in time undermines your determination to continue. That explains why dieting regimes involving a level of hunger almost always fail. The failure rate is around 99%!

Now ask yourself: Do really want to go through all that hassle? Do you really feel comfortable taking that serious health risk with your body, knowing that it is the only one you will ever have? Do you really want to steel yourself to raise the willpower needed for that sort of regime? Do you really want to have all that hassle knowing there is a statistical near certainty that you will fail?

Now I mentioned earlier that there is a better way. The first rule of successful weight loss is never allow yourself to feel hungry. Being hungry is always a dreadful feeling and hunger is the prime cause of you losing heart and giving up. So if you can eat as much as you want, how do you lose weight? Easy.

Change what you eat! If you are overweight or obese, then you have been eating the wrong foods (there is no other cause known), and that is far more important than how much you eat. Once you identify those foods and stop eating them, you will be astonished to find your fat melting away seemingly by itself with hardly any effort or will power on your part. Such a regime is also founded on superb nutrition and nothing else, so your health is not only safeguarded but will dramatically improve. Many diseases you may have now will disappear automatically and future diseases avoided.

This really is a win-win situation. We are talking about a weight loss eating program that dieters love and doctors endorse. There is a wide range of foods available that you can choose from (over 40 plus all fruits and vegetables) so you will never bored or hungry.

I hope that has helped you understand that safe easy weight loss is possible.

J. Duncan McNeill,
Weight loss mentor.

For truly effortless weight loss through superb nutrition and nothing else which safeguards your health, I urge you to visit my website to find out more. My no nonsense approach makes perfect sense, so come to right now.

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